Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Debate in Religion

 I find this world funny in some ways. I love to debate. I love walking into a room and shoving a case in their face that makes them flip their lid. I'll cite evidence, and  give rebuttals to my opponents case. However, I hate when people debate religion in the same way. I know it's kinda silly, but stay with me here for a moment.

Religion is supposed to be an intimate and humble thing, and if I have learned anything about debate, is that very rarely does anyone admit they are wrong. The bible has been interpreted many different ways since it's creation and yet people out there still will cite a translation of a sentence of an entire section and call it fact. Religion is not fact. I repeat this, religion is not fact. If religion was fact, we wouldn't need science. In the opposite corner, science cannot explain the conundrum of various topics like religion can.

Despite what I said before, personal truths do exist. For me, Odin, Freya, and several other Gods and Goddesses have spoken to me, but I can't claim what they said as absolute truth, and fact. I always try my best to be careful in how I say things when it comes to religion, because it is supposed to be a personal and humble action. Instead of telling someone, "God said to me that your hair needs to be cut", I would say something like   "When I sat down, God passed a suggestion to me, for you, about cutting your hair. You don't need to and what I say isn't truth, only you can make that choice in the end, but perhaps there is a reason why I was told about your hair."  I would say something along those lines. The power should always remain in the individual when it comes to making a decision as well. Maybe, that's my Wiccan side popping up from years ago, but I don't like telling people what to do and what is right or wrong.

Actually, when I do bring up a debate about religion (because I'm stupid) I like to pull off a sneaky task. Instead of arguing about what is right or wrong, I use the knowledge I do have and ask questions. People are a lot less aggressive when you ask them questions and you learn THEIR PERSONAL TRUTHS. Sorry to my friends out their who disagree, but even if you know your religion inside and out, how you interpret it will be different from the next. Accept it.

Deviating a little from before, but not by far, is my dislike for people who wish to debate something you said about religion in passing. Despite my love for arguing and how aggressive I can get, I like to be nurturing and loving when I bring out my pagan side. I separate my personality from each other. Unfortunately, when I bring up a problem, I see in the very small community of pagans, and all someone wants to to is debate with a condescending tone, my feathers get ruffled. Please, people, show some kindness if you don't understand why someone is doing something. Don't treat them like they are stupid. Save that for court rooms, debate rounds, and sometimes special times with family and friends.

My personal thought is that the best truths are the ones you figure out yourself, instead of grabbing them from everyone else around you.

Don't have much else to say so,

Hail to the Gods!
Blessed Be

or however you may say it

Have a good day world. :)

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