Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How the elements affect others

On rainy days, like the one I had at work, I can't help but appreciate the force of the weather. Others don't generally don't care for such a dreary atmosphere but frankly, I adore it! Especially with a cup of hot chocolate :D

I quite enjoyed the looks on my co workers faces when I said that I was going to run out in the rain and that I'd be right back. I feel at ease when I'm under a downpour of rain and water and it soothes the skin and for me, my soul.

One might wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that I correspond with water and I identify that as my element. I wonder, does Earth love the vast openness of the land, or the lush spring vegetation?

Does a fire element get a shiver down their spine at the destructive force of a volcano?

Do Air elements get the urge to sing with the wind?

Better yet, why is it so easy to categorize people by elements? Are they more entwined with out being than we actual think about?

Perhaps what it comes down to is that the elements are in each and everyone of us and just like a cat is addicted to catnip, we can't refuse that little part of our nature that comes out.

See Y'all later

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